Raggamufin's Ramblings - Make Choices Count

It is human nature to be self-centered.

Since everything we experience begins/ends with Us, why would we not see ourselves as the center of our world?

The ability to look beyond this natural tendency, to percieve other's feelings/needs/worries/cares/doubts/fears to empathize, have compassion, at times even sacrifice our own needs to help others.. That is True Love.

It's easy to lose sight of how things might be for others.

Every day we have to make choices, some small and insignificant, others great and life changing.

Every choice is important. Every little decision in life matters.
My Dad used to tell me : "Every drop in the bucket..."

So when you make your choices, take a moment to consider those involved.

If you can, Always be Grateful not Hateful.

You never know what difference you might be making.

WE have the power to make our world, the world we want.

Are you going to be part of the Solution, or part of the Problem?

The choice is yours, make it count.

I welcome any feedback, as long as it is constructive. You can email me here

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