Raggamufin's Ramblings

This is just a simple web page to hold links to some things I have written.
Although many of these things were inspired by actual life experiences, they do not necesarily reflect my personal life experiences.

I used many of them to work thru things that I was dealing with in my life. 

Any similarity to actual people, places,events, etc. may be purely coincidental, or it may not.

Basically, these writings are just words. 

Any interpretation is just as valid as any other, they are whatever you percieve them to be.

I hope you get as much from reading them as I did from writing them.

Ramblings 2018


I welcome any feedback, as long as it is constructive. You can email me here

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*** More ramblings coming soon, if you actually are interested in reading more.Once again I strongly encourage you to spend your time in a more valuable pursuit ! But if you are interested in reading more of my crap, it will be up soon.Sorry about your luck ! - Ragga -4/30/2020